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In this last year since its founding, the Inland Empire Hoopers Basketball Organization has played a major role in the transformation of Perris California from a town with too many unproductive, unsupervised kids with too much time to get into trouble to one providing these youth with a valuable structured program. The program uses the First Serve Life Skills Curriculum to "empower young people by providing a local program that promotes positive values, healthy habits, and education through the sport of Basketball - resulting in real life power, on and off the court."

A priority need for the program, which operates year round summer and after-school is funding for Uniforms, event participation and part-time program staff. As of now we are relying on volunteer or minimally compensated staff. This has resulted in high turnover, continued difficulty attracting qualified personnel, and limited continuity for the participants whose success depends on positive role models and the relationships they build with their Coaches. 
The Inland Empire Basketball Organization is requesting your support this program that makes a meaningful difference in the lives of our youth.  A contribution from you will give us the jump start we need while we continue to implement our recently developed fund raising plans. 
We believe that the program is consistent with the mission and interest of any foundation and hope that you will find it in your hearts and budget to support this program. If I can provide additional information to encourage consideration of our request, please feel free to contact me at (619)394-8777 or, I would also be happy to personally meet with your committee to present this proposal.

Most sincerely,

Odis Freeman
Otis & DaShion Simmons


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